給一個二維的串列,其元素為 'X' 或 'O' 要把所有 'O' 被 'X' 包圍的換成 'X'。
最直觀的,就是遇到一個 'O' 時,檢查其四周是否為 'X',然後如果檢查時遇到 'O',就延伸檢查。
或者變體,直接檢查 'O' 的上下左右到邊際是否有 'X' 出現,然後給標記,最後檢查標記四周只有標記與 'X',就換成 'X'。
走到這裡,只有一種狀況會需要特別小心,就是在邊際的 'O' ,如果有碰到,就會產生要當心的狀況。
換個思考,與其費心找四周,不如把邊際或與之相連的 'O' 抓出來,其他都改成 'X' 即可。
class Solution: def solve(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None: """ Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead. """ if not board or not board[0]: return excludePos = set() rows = len(board) cols = len(board[0]) def searchExclude(y, x): if y < 0 or y >= rows: return if x < 0 or x >= cols: return if board[y][x] == "O" and (y,x) not in excludePos: excludePos.add((y,x)) searchExclude(y-1, x) searchExclude(y+1, x) searchExclude(y, x-1) searchExclude(y, x+1) for y in range(rows): searchExclude(y, 0) searchExclude(y, cols-1) for x in range(cols): searchExclude(0, x) searchExclude(rows-1, x) for x in range(1, cols-1): for y in range(1, rows-1): if board[y][x] == "O" and (y,x) not in excludePos: board[y][x] = "X"C#
public class Solution { public int rows; public int cols; public HashSet<(int, int)> excludePos; public void Solve(char[][] board) { rows = board.Length; if(rows == 0){return;} cols = board[0].Length; if(cols == 0){return;} excludePos = new HashSet<(int, int)>(); for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { SearchExcluded(board, y, 0); SearchExcluded(board, y, cols-1); } for(int x = 0; x < cols; x++) { SearchExcluded(board, 0, x); SearchExcluded(board, rows-1, x); } for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < cols; x++) { if(board[y][x] == 'O' && !excludePos.Contains((y, x))) { board[y][x] = 'X'; } } } } public void SearchExcluded(char[][] board, int y, int x) { if(y < 0 || y >= rows){return;} if(x < 0 || x >= cols){return;} if(board[y][x] == 'O' && !excludePos.Contains((y, x))) { excludePos.Add((y, x)); SearchExcluded(board, y-1, x); SearchExcluded(board, y+1, x); SearchExcluded(board, y, x-1); SearchExcluded(board, y, x+1); } } }